2022 Trail Maintenance Endowment Fund Grants Announced

The Yampa Valley Community Foundation (YVCF) has awarded three Trail Maintenance Endowment Fund (TMEF) grants for the 2021 cycle, a total of $29,122. Stagecoach State Park was awarded $7,000 for repairs to trails and culverts damaged by runoff, the City of Steamboat...

Steamboat Springs Running Series support local trails

This past August 21st, the Steamboat Springs Running Series in partnership with Smartwool organized the Continental Divide Trail Run with over 350 entrants. The net proceeds raised by the event, $6,700, was donated to support the Trail Maintenance Endowment Fund...

North Routt Community Fund: Now accepting applications

The North Routt Community Fund was established at the Yampa Valley Community Foundation for the purpose to benefit North Routt County, Colorado. Only grant requests for charitable purposes that have a public benefit will be considered. Programs and services that...

IMPACT100 Closes Out Season 15 with $11,500 in Grants Awarded

At IMPACT 100’s closing event of Season 15 in April 2021, members voted to award $11,500 to four deserving nonprofit organizations. Since its inception in 2006, YVCF’s IMPACT100 program has granted $178,550 to 50 local nonprofits. The concept of IMPACT100 is simple:...

Giving Circles Grant Over $103,000 in 2020

Quality of life, especially toward the end of life, is priceless. That’s why Northwest Colorado Health submitted a proposal to Yampa Valley Community Foundation’s Women’s Giving Circle for consideration of funding in August 2020. The client, we will call her Norma, is...

WHILD Stories: Missy Dressen…Leading across boundaries!!

By Michael Osterman Collaboration is not a word being used very frequently these days. Yet without the partnership formed between various governmental agencies and private landowners, Routt County would not be seeing the many benefits of the work being done to improve...

WHILD Stories: Becky Edmiston…Benevolent Beekeeper!

By Michael Osterman Bees have been declared to be “the most important living being on the planet” by the Earthwatch Institute. While that may be a bit controversial, there is wide agreement that one-third of our global food supply is pollinated by bees. Perhaps more...

WHILD Stories: Nancy Merrill… CRANIAC!

By Michael Osterman Photos by Harold Kamins The Yampa Valley is home to a large variety of animals. For 6 months of the year we are graced with one of the oldest living species of bird… somewhere between 2 – 10 million years old! Those majestic birds that we see...

WHILD Stories: Weed Warrior

written by Michael Osterman This is the first in a series of stories acknowledging local heroes who are volunteering their time, wisdom and talents to improve our local habitat and benefit the entire Yampa Valley community. Today’s story has three key parts to it;...

Every day we meet with partners, new and longstanding, to pass on our passion to build a better Yampa Valley. If you have a passion, we can help you find the best way to pass it on.

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