Women’s Giving Circle

The Women’s Giving Circle seeks to improve the situation of our neighbors in need. They accept proposals on an ongoing basis from nonprofits and churches who know of community members in need of immediate assistance. A steering committee reviews the proposals and makes decisions about funding. The group provides assistance year-round for urgent and critical, but not chronic needs, and meets socially at least twice a year to learn more about our community, meet new friends, and support causes that inspire them.
Women’s Giving Circle News
Women’s Giving Circle 2023 Report
Through the generosity of 76 members of the Women’s Giving Circle, 73 requests for assistance were funded in 2023 for a total of $96,313. In comparison, in 2019, the Women’s Giving Circle funded 17 proposals totaling $22,612. This 326% growth over four years of the...
Giving Circles Grant over $105,000 in 2021
Assistance toward the replacement of a prosthetic leg for a 30-year old woman who was living in pain. Funding toward the purchase of a vehicle for safe and reliable transportation for a survivor of domestic violence. Wardrobe alterations for young man with cerebral...
Giving Circles Grant Over $103,000 in 2020
Quality of life, especially toward the end of life, is priceless. That’s why Northwest Colorado Health submitted a proposal to Yampa Valley Community Foundation’s Women’s Giving Circle for consideration of funding in August 2020. The client, we will call her Norma, is...
We meet 2 times per year. Your minimum $250 donation is an annual contribution.
As Giving Circle membership grows, so does our capacity to help. For more information on how to join, call 970-879-8632 or email traci@yvcf.org
Every day we meet with partners, new and longstanding, to pass on our passion to build a better Yampa Valley. If you have a passion, we can help you find the best way to pass it on.