Our Services for Nonprofits


The Foundation offers a variety of financial and other services to help nonprofits maximize their effectiveness and amplify their impact. Our financial services are designed to help nonprofits increase their sustainability by establishing stable, predictable sources of income and enabling them to accept complex gifts. Other services we provide encourage nonprofits to connect with each other, share expertise, and stay informed about useful grant and capacity-building opportunities.

Financial Services

Agency Endowment Management

The Yampa Valley Community Foundation encourages agencies to build endowments to establish stable, predictable sources of income for current and future needs as per the mission of the endowment. The Foundation manages and invests permanently endowed funds, creating a permanent pool of assets that grow over time and can provide a reliable source of additional income each year.
Advantages of having an Agency Endowment at the Yampa Valley Community Foundation:
  • Your agency fund enjoys the advantage of being invested in a larger pool of long-term assets which can achieve greater returns over time and be assessed lower investment fees.
  • The Foundation handles investment management and oversight and all accounting and financial reporting.
  • Your agency can take annual distributions from the fund as directed by the Foundation’s current Spending Policy.
  • All gifts to your agency’s endowment fund are restricted for the charitable purpose established in the endowment fund agreement and for the benefit of your organization.
  • Your endowment fund receives exposure in the Foundation’s annual report and website to reach more, and potentially new, donors than those on your current list.
  • Establishing an endowment fund builds credibility for your agency and demonstrates a commitment to long-term sustainability.
  • All gifts are tax deductible at the highest levels allowed.
YVCF will work with your agency to help you understand the guidelines and legal requirements around starting, building, and benefitting from your endowment. Our Endowment Toolkit is a resource to get you started.
For more information about opening an Agency Endowment Fund at YVCF, please contact Greg Hamilton at greg@yvcf.org.

Planned Giving Partnership

Planned Giving & Estate Gifts

A planned gift from an estate can create a substantial contribution to a nonprofit agency or an agency’s endowment. To facilitate planned giving and boost financial sustainability for local nonprofits, YVCF may be able to accept a planned gift from a donor’s estate on behalf of a nonprofit as per our Gift Acceptance Policy.
Examples of planned giving vehicles commonly included in estate plans are:
  • Securities
  • Bequests
  • Real Estate
  • Life Insurance
  • Retirement Accounts
For more information on our Planned Giving services, please contact Karen O’Connor at karen@yvcf.org.

Processing Gifts of Stock or Other Complex Assets

Do you have a donor who wishes to donate stock or complex assets to your organization? A gift of appreciated securities is a powerful asset which may allow a charitable deduction for the fair market value while helping the donor avoid capital gains taxes that might otherwise occur at the sale of the stock. As a service to local nonprofits, the Yampa Valley Community Foundation many accept and process such gifts per our Gift Acceptance Policy.
For more information on our gift acceptance and processing services, please contact Karen O’Connor at karen@yvcf.org.

Other Services for Nonprofits

Reserving Our Conference Room

YVCF’s conference room and office spaces are available for use by nonprofits and community groups for informational, educational, and cultural meetings and programs.

ED Roundtable

Facilitated by YVCF’s CEO Tim Wohlgenant, Yampa Valley nonprofit Executive Directors discuss issues relevant to nonprofit leaders through in-person quarterly gatherings and on-going listserv-based discussions.

Nonprofit Newsletter

Subscribe to YVCF’s Nonprofit Newsletter to receive – direct to your inbox – up-to-date information about grant funding opportunities and upcoming trainings.

Nonprofit Directory Listing

The YVCF Nonprofit Directory provides a comprehensive guide to the inspiring organizations doing important work in Routt and Moffat Counties. Update your listing here!

Northwest Colorado Grants Collective

A list of grant professionals who may be available as contractors or employees to increase grant writing and grant management capacity.

Nonprofit Event Calendar

To help avoid event overlap, YVCF hosts this shared calendar of key dates and events for nonprofits throughout the Yampa Valley. 

Every day we meet with partners, new and longstanding, to pass on our passion to build a better Yampa Valley. If you have a passion, we can help you find the best way to pass it on.

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