History of Dring Language Fellowship

Dring Language Fellowship – Routt County Colorado

2024 - Alexandra Hanna

Grant: $1,000

Alex graduated from Steamboat Springs High School a semester early in order to spend three months traveling in Spain and Portugal to hike El Camino de Santiago from Irun, Spain to Porto, Portugal, and other travels through the region. She will work on improving her 7 years of Spanish by staying in hostels (albergues) and navigating through small villages speaking the language. She will be attending University of Colorado Boulder in Fall 2024.

2023 - Madeline Erps

Grant: $2,500

Madeline is studying in Lulea, Sweden (Lulea Gymnasieskola) for the 2023-24 academic year through the Rotary Youth Exchange program. She will live with local families and plans to participate in community service activities such as Interact club and medical/science activities.

2022 - Emma Ward and Julia McCarthy

Emma Ward – Grant: $2,500

Emma is studying Linguistics with a minor in German at Colorado State University. This Fellowship grant will help fund a semester at Leuphana Universität in Lüneburg, Germany through the University Study Abroad Consortium (USAC).

Julia McCarthy – Grant: $1,000

Julia will be studying in Seville, Spain in Fall 2022 through CEA and the Pablo de Olavide University to help advance her Health Sciences major and Spanish minor at Chapman University.

2020 - Tanner Richard

Grant: $2,500

After his program in Chile was cancelled due to COVID-19, Tanner was able to defer his scholarship to fall 20021, during which he will be attending an immersive Spanish language program at Universidad de Granada’s Centro de Lenguas Modernas in Spain through ISA (International Studies Abroad). Tanner is a graduate of Steamboat Mountain School and now attends University of Colorado Boulder.

2019 - Meg Anderson

Grant: $1,500

Meg will spend 4 months in Jordan, under a program offered by The School for International Training. She will be studying Arabic and working with Palestinian and Syrian refugees. Meg is a graduate of SSHS and now a student at Cornell University.

2019 - Sierra Bennett-Manke

Grant: $500

Zoe will spend a full school year, 10 months, in Germany under a local Rotary Youth Exchange Program. She will be studying German and attending local schools. She is a current student at SSHS.

2019 - Lily Starkey

Grant: $500

Lily will spend a full school year, 10 months, in Argentina under a local Rotary Youth Exchange Program. She will be studying Spanish and attending local schools. She is a current student at SSHS.

2018 - Zoe Stewart

Grant: $2,000

Travel to Taiwan for full school year sponsored by Steamboat Rotary Youth Exchange Program. Attend local school. Live with host families.

2018 - Julie Congdon

Grant: $1,500

Travel to Finland for full school year sponsored by Steamboat Rotary Youth Exchange Program. Attend local school. Live with host families.

2016 - No award

2015 - Lindsay Adler

Grant: $2,500

Travel to Argentina for a three-month program including four weeks of immersion language training. This is part of a gap year plan. Overall sponsor is Where There be Dragons.

2014 - Kelly Borgerding

Grant: $2,000

Travel to Argentina for gap year study in participation with Steamboat Rotary Youth Exchange Program.

2013 - Kali Morris

Grant: $2,500

Travel to Costa Rica for four-weeks and attend Spanish immersion school. Live with a local Spanish speaking family.

2012 - Mallory Richie

Grant: $1,500

Travel to France for a one-year program in participation with Steamboat Rotary Youth Exchange Program. Live with native French speaking family.

2012 - Kestral Johnson

Grant: $1,000

Travel to Brazil for one-year intensive cultural and language program in participation with Steamboat Rotary youth exchange program.

2011 - Anna Poirot

Grant: $1,500

Travel to Norway for one-year under Steamboat Rotary youth exchange program. Attend local schools and live with several host families.  Post Trip Report

2011 - MaiLis Mangold

Grant: $1,000

Travel to Italy for one year program in participation with Steamboat Rotary Exchange program.

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