Whimsical or serious, thought provoking or iconic, the sculptures and murals that grace public spaces in our community enliven our lives. Steamboat Springs’ public art serves to enrich physical, economic, social and cultural elements of our community. With more than 80 public art installations, across a palette of artistic forms in the city, donations to the Public Art Maintenance Endowment Fund ensure that Steamboat Springs’ public art collection, which is valuable and impressive, is preserved for all to enjoy.
To donate to Steamboat Springs Public Art Maintenance Endowment Fund by check:
Yampa Valley Community Foundation
348 Oak Street
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
* Please make the check out to YVCF and note in the memo line that the check is for Steamboat Springs Public Art Maintenance Endowment Fund
This is a Designated Fund of the Yampa Valley Community Foundation. Donations are irrevocable assets of the Foundation to be used for the charitable purpose stated above.