Since 2012 Colorado Crane Conservation Coalition, Inc. (CCCC) has worked to conserve and protect the Rocky Mountain Population of Greater Sandhill Cranes and their habitat using science and education to connect people with this iconic species.
Sandhill Cranes are a Tier One Species of Concern in Colorado. Cranes continue to face threats from wetland degradation, habitat loss and fragmentation, climate change, and development. CCCC is working to ensure that Greater Sandhill Cranes continue to inhabit the Rocky Mountains and Northwest Colorado for generations to come. Cranes are considered an ambassador species; conserving cranes helps conserve other species that share habitat with the cranes, including birds, amphibians, and mammals.
CCCC is a 501(c)3 organization that focuses on crane conservation through education and science. CCCC’s educational programs include our annual Yampa Valley Crane Festival, a live-streaming crane nest camera, a free crane presentation to all third grade students in the Yampa Valley, and various contests geared toward raising crane awareness. CCCC’s science programs include a habitat improvement program called Crops for Cranes and nesting and fall staging surveys.
CCCC works for crane survival now and for future generations. With your Legacy gift, you can be assured that CCCC will be able to continue its education and research efforts on behalf of Sandhill Cranes and will continually adapt to new and better methods as they become available.
To donate to the Colorado Crane Conservation Coalition Endowment by check:
Yampa Valley Community Foundation
348 Oak Street
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
* Please make the check out to YVCF and note the name of the Fund in the memo line.