Routt County Climate Action Collaborative Fund


Application Information

The Routt County Climate Action Collaborative will make grants to nonprofit organizations, government entities, and special entities for projects located in Routt County that support the implementation of the Routt County Climate Action Plan. To learn about this grant cycle, subscribe to our Nonprofit Newsletter or email Camille Sachs:

2025 Grant Cycle


Applications Open: Monday, March 17, 2025

Applications Due: Wednesday, April 16, 2025 (11:30 PM)

Applications will be reviewed by the Routt County Climate Action Plan Collaborative Board and funding decisions will be made in early May.

2025 Rubric

Routt County Climate Action Collaborative Fund

The Routt County Climate Action Collaborative Fund, held at the Yampa Valley Community Foundation, was created to support projects identified by the Routt County Climate Action Plan Collaborative Board as furthering the objectives set out in the Routt County Climate Action Plan. 501c3 nonprofit organizations, governmental entities, and special entities that have adopted the Routt County Climate Action plan are eligible for grants. Projects must be located within Routt County.

Local Impact

Your contributions to the fund will directly support LOCAL climate action projects like:

  • Habitat restoration (wetlands, post-fire regeneration, and reforestation of riparian corridors)
  • Waste diversion
  • Commercial and residential fuel-switching
  • Energy assessments
  • Deployment of renewable energy, and
  • Implementation of climate-friendly transportation solutions

Why investment in climate action matters now?

The Yampa Valley is home to extensive natural beauty, western spirit, abundant outdoor recreation opportunities, and the native wilderness of the Rocky Mountains. Yet like so many other mountain communities, the Yampa Valley is already experiencing regional impacts from climate change. Over the past two decades, Routt County has trended toward an earlier and more rapid snowpack runoff, increased frequency of river closures due to high water temperatures and low flow, increased risk of flooding and drought and elevated severity of wildfires.

An assessment out of the Colorado Climate Center finds that the state has already warmed by 2.3 degrees since 1980 with a prediction of an additional 1 to 4 degrees warming by 2050, with even higher projections for northwest Colorado. Additional warming will intensify heat waves, droughts and wildfires, and heavy and extreme precipitation and flooding are likely to worsen as well. These changing conditions impact our health and safety, our local economy and community, and the recreational opportunities and natural environment we live here to enjoy.

Taking a proactive stance on climate change by supporting the implementation of the Climate Action Plan will allow Routt County to be better prepared for anticipated changes in the regional climate and the impact those changes will have on citizens, landowners and businesses. By working together, residents, governments and all other stakeholders can help reduce our carbon footprint and ensure Routt County remains a vibrant and thriving community for years to come. What we do locally counts, and your actions (and donations!) matter.


To donate to the Routt County Climate Action Collaborative Fund by check:

Yampa Valley Community Foundation
348 Oak Street
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487

* Please make the check out to YVCF and note in the memo line that the check is for the Routt County Climate Action Collaborative Fund
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