Routt County Riders is a cycling advocacy organization focusing on community outreach, volunteer workdays, safety initiatives, and civic engagement. RCR cultivates positive relationships with all project partners and draws on their membership base of 290+ to accomplish their goals. RCR is an IMBA Local Chapter (the International Mountain Biking Association) but advocates for ALL forms of cycling in the Yampa Valley.
The RCR Endowment was opened in 2020 as a way to receive larger gifts while leveraging financial resources to house those generous contributions in a way that provides an even greater return on the investment to donors. Leaving a legacy gift with RCR through the Rider Endowment at YVCF will help perpetuate RCR programs and provide a dependable funding stream despite potential ups and downs in other income categories – donations, special events, grants, and other revenue which is wont to fluctuate. Your gift will have a lasting impact on ridership in the Valley – and will show that the trails and pathways you use on two wheels mean something profound to you.
To learn more about the Rider Endowment or to include RCR in your estate planning, please contact rcriders@routtcountyriders.org (Routt County Riders) or Traci Hiatt, Director of Philanthropy at YVCF.
To donate to the Routt County Riders Endowment by check:
Yampa Valley Community Foundation
348 Oak Street
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
* Please make the check out to YVCF and note in the memo line that the check is for the Routt County Riders Endowment
** All donations received into this endowment fund are for the benefit of Routt County Riders and are an unrestricted asset of the Yampa Valley Community Foundation.