Angela Ashby | Your Steamboat Home Fund


  • Yampa Valley Sustainability Council
  • Integrated Community
  • Impact 100
  • Steamboat Creates
  • Lift Up
  • Routt County Humane Society
  • Chair Steamboat Association of REALTORS
  • 2016 Housing Steering Committee
  • The Angela Ashby | Your Steamboat Home Fund is a donor-advised fund of the Yampa Valley
  • Community Foundation
The Angela Ashby | Your Steamboat Home Fund was established to provide funding to a wide range of local organizations that work to improve our community and our home.

Since the very beginning of my time in the Yampa Valley, I have been inspired to be involved in giving back to and bettering this community that I call home. I’ve realized my passion through philanthropic volunteerism in both public and private partnerships and I feel strongly that collaboration is key to success in everything we do in our community, business and personal endeavors.

My participation in this community began as a Founding Board member facilitating the startup of the Yampa Valley Sustainability Council. I served as Chair of the organization for many years and I continue to serve on the Advisory Board. YVSC was supported in those early days by the Yampa Valley Community Foundation in its growth, program implementation and eventual non profit designation.

It is not only a life long dream but also very appropriate that I now turn back to Yampa Valley Community Foundation to begin my own Donor Advised Fund with the organization that has helped not only YVSC but so many other organizational launches.

I look forward to continuing the spirit of “giving back” to my beloved community, neighbors and friends that put so much effort into so many worthy local organizations. I am doing my part to better our beautiful home and I invite others to share your vision, input and ideas with me to make this a fund that will continue to serve our community for years to come.


Live. Play. Own. Give

To donate to Angela Ashby, Your Steamboat Home Fund by check:

Yampa Valley Community Foundation
348 Oak Street
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
* Please make the check out to YVCF and note in the memo line that the check is for the Angela Ashby, Your Steamboat Home Fund.

This is a Donor Advised Fund of the Yampa Valley Community Foundation. Funds are being raised on behalf of rather than by the Foundation. Donations are irrevocable assets of the Foundation. Fund advisors make recommendations for where the funds will be distributed.

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